Our sliding scale
We charge for our services along the sliding scale listed below in order to support a range of organizations with varying access to resources. This allows us to provide our services with heavily reduced rates or free of charge to grassroots or volunteer-led organizations. We ask that groups pay at a rate that reflects their access to financial resources.
Below are our typical hourly rate ranges. We bill for all hours that we work, including time spent in preparation for facilitation and follow up after a meeting has happened. In our scope design for projects, we typically give hourly estimates with two different rates: one for internal-facing work (e.g. agenda design, project management) and another for client-facing work (e.g. facilitation, consulting, meetings with clients).
- Internal-facing work: $150 to $250 per hour
- Client-facing work: $300 to $500 per hour
We typically ask for a deposit at the beginning of work, and bill at agreed-upon intervals afterwards.